Calculando Lei de Ohm corrente tensão e resistência. Muitas pessoas ao ler os posts aqui do TE1, gostariam de entender melhor o motivo de um determinado valor de resistor para um ramo de um circuito, ou como especificar um. Essa dúvida de caráter matemático é simples de ser resolvida, não precisa de cálculos complexos e envolvem 3 grandezas: tensão (V), corrente (A) e Resistência (Ω).
Sim, estamos falando da Lei de Ohm. Primordial para aprofundar nos estudos de circuitos elétricos. É sobre ela que o vídeo abaixo aborda.
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Errata : Sorry , I write an wrong formula the correct one is : E-U = I * (R + r )
Many excuses ….!
No problem!
I got it!
On the all circuit the Ohm’s law is : E-U = I/(R+r) , where E is the battery (source ) voltage on zero current , U is the output voltage of the source on any current ( with the load R ) , R is the load resistance , and r is the internal resistance of the source . Many thanks .
Hello , I appreciate your articles , and please write one about the whole circuit Ohm’s law , involving an battery cell , an LED , and an resistor .The target being the calculation of the resistor value for an given current thru LED ( of course with an little experiment measurement ) . Many thanks ! and please do not mention me anywhere , you are an known public professional mostly believed than me , and I hate seeing lots of articles with bad calculations…
Hi Livius!
Thank you for your reply. I will post soon about your suggestion. There are a lot of things with electronics that I will show here.